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Re: Keyline !ATTN!: Darren & Frank & everyone else on the list

Lawrence F. London, Jr. -+|+- Venaura Farm
london@metalab.unc.edu   lflondon@worldnet.att.net
http://metalab.unc.edu/london, /permaculture, /ecolandtech
EcoLandTech -+|+- InterGarden -+|+- Permaculture

On Tue, 20 Jul 1999, Australia Felix wrote:

> Subject: Re: Keyline
> Hello Frank,
> Thanks for the reply. I 'll put together a list that I supply to my clients
> that may be of use. In terms of timing well that's up to you - you can only
> do things when you're ready.....
> I'll get back to you later today/tomorrow,
> Cheers
> Darren

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <FranksFarm@aol.com>
> To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, 20 July 1999 0:14
> Subject: Re: Keyline
> > G'day  Darren,
> > <<In terms of your project though I'm interested in helping you
> > <<through the
> > process of working out where your dams should go etc. I think we could do
> > this as an open book so that anyone else can put in their "two bobs worth"
> > and learn a bit along the way.>>
> >
> > That's a great suggestion and mighty nice of you to offer to share your
> > expertise.  But I already knew you were a swell:)
> > I just got a scanner...but will take a while toget to know how to use it.
> > I do have some aerial photos, and a contour map of the property. I'll
> > have to figure out how to post it.

OK, its now a done deal.

Thanks to the generosity and expertise of the techies at MetaLab we now
have the beginnings of an interactive area on the Web for the exchange of
various resources: text files, wp docs, pictures, drawings, renderings,
blueprints, eventually sound files.

To make this project of Darren's and Franks an open exercise for all
we now have a resource that can be use to upload and view/download 
documents and images without having to deal with ftp or email
file attachments, neither of which are very interactive without
extra work. This new upload tool make it easy for all of us to
exchange pictures and documents quickly and easily. If there is a need
I can create separate password-protected areas too. And this is just the
beginning; soon I hope we'll have an easy to use discussion forum in
which we can upload documents and images alongside out messages -
open to everyone, no subscription or password required, fast and easy to
use. I hope this will become the main Web resource we use to carry us into
the 21st Century - it will be robust, fast and highly functional.

To see and use this go to this location:


It will also exist soon in:

Or go directly to these locations to upload or view/download:

Upload word processor documents or text files
Read, save, download uploaded documents

Upload graphical images (.jpg, .gif, etc.)
View, save, download uploaded images

Feedback welcomed.
