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Mollison course

>Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 11:37:13
>permaculture list
>From: Scott Pittman <pci@permaculture-inst.org>
>Subject: Mollison course
>                2 week Permaculture Design Course
>                9 October 1999 thru 23 October 1999
>                         Northwest Tasmania
>                                With
>                           Bill Mollison
>        Bill continues to research and amass information about sustainable
system design.  He is preparing 2 books devoted to this passion.  A
>        Permaculture Design Course is a way to share accumulated
information         with others.  While his health required him to retire
from overseas         teaching tours, he is in fine for for a course on his
home turf.  Nearly         all food will come from local and organic
producers.  Accommodation is a         stones throw from beaches and
National Parks.  We eagerly invite those         who wish to experience
Tasmania in spring and Bill in action to bring         your questions and
your intellect down to Tasmania and take this course.
>                "I will try to paint landscapes in their minds - throw
>                pictures on the clouds of tomorrow's sky."
>                                        B. Mollison "Travels in Dreams, 1998
>                Students arriving by air must fly into Burnie Airport for
>                For information and brochure contact the Permaculture Institute
>                International, 31 Rulla Road, Sisters Creek, Tasmania 7325, Aus
>                International phone 61 3 06445 0945 FAX 61 3 6445 0944
Scott Pittman

Permaculture Institute, USA
PO Box 3702, Pojoaque, NM 87501  US
phone 505.455.0270

Ingenio Patet Campus