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Re: [permaculture] weeds? (Star thistle)

doc rip on contour fertilize dont graze and asta la vista  mr.  centaurea 
>From: pfaf@scs.leeds.ac.uk
>To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
>Subject: Re: [permaculture] weeds? (Star thistle)
>Date: Sun, May 23, 1999, 9:32 AM

>Jeffrey Newman wrote:
>>> I searched star thistle on the PFAF database.
>>>  Not there.
>Oh yes it is! Try
> http://www.metalab.unc.edu/pfaf/cgi-bin/find_lat?COM=star+thistle
>which lists, 
> Centaurea calcitrapa and Centaurea solstitialis (Yellow star
>thistle). The reason you didn't find it is probably that the database
>is a bit fussy on punctuation: a search for "starthistle" won't work
>but a search for "star thistle" will. One of these days I'll try and
>make the algorithm a bit cleverer. 
> On the subject of XML and SGML I can't see what all the
>fuss is about. As far as permaculture is concerned is mainly plain
>text and graphics, there is really little need for the fancy
>stuff and HTML will do. The other disadvantage of all this stuff
>is it takes much longer to produce the material (about ten fold
>for each new technology added ie 1 hour to write plane text,
>10 for html + graphics, 100 to write all singing applications
>with animations and stuff.)
> What I'd like to see on the permaculture web, is more
>in depth material (not just more introductions to permaculture).
>Has anyone out there written a book? If the text from that is
>avaliable then its a fairly easy task to put it up on the web,
>and quite a few people with the skills to do it.
> I'd also like to initiate a co-operative links page. The
>web is growing just to big these days to keep on top of all the material
>even within our subject area. To really geta good resource database
>would take a lot of people contributing to a common source.
>We'ed also need some faily nutral way of assessing sites (i.e.
>what information they contain etc) If anyones into this idea drop me
>a line. BTW if any ones got a database they would like to hook
>up to the net I can help with that as well.
>  ttfn
>   Rich
>Rich Morris (pfaf@scs.leeds.ac.uk) for
>Plants for a Future: more than just potato's
>The Field, Penpol, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0NG, England
>Tel: (+44 1208) 872963
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