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Managing Profitable and Sustainable Landscapes in the 21st Century

Some of you might find this document interesting
from a permaculture perspective. They should have
invited a number of permaculture professionals
to their workshop. LL

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 16:43:19 -0500
From: Heidi Carter <csas007@unlvm.unl.edu>
To: sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu
Subject: New Document Available

New Document Available: Summation of Evaluations from the Workshops on
Facing a Watershed: Managing Profitable and Sustainable Landscapes in the
21st Century, June and July, 1998

>From 1995 through 1998, the North Central Sustainable Agriculture Training
Program (NCSATP) conducted ten workshops and three year-end planning and
review meetings in eleven states. NCSATP was part of the Professional
Development Program of the North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research
and Education Program. 

The 1998 workshops, Facing a Watershed: Managing Profitable and Sustainable
Landscapes in the 21st Century, were held in St. Charles, Illinois;
Traverse City, Michigan; and Ames, Iowa. Each workshop focused on a
watershed influenced by a different combination of land use pressures:
urbanization, tourism, and agriculture. 

We wrote Summation of Evaluations for educators who design programs for
sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. We are sharing our
experiences of what worked and what did not to increase your success. 

>From reading the evaluations, we outlined general themes, listed the
greatest benefits and challenges to watershed planning, and discussed the
numerical ratings of the sessions. Many of the principles can be applied to
organizing educational events besides watershed workshops.

The document is six pages of text, with much white space, and five pages of
tables. If your heart flutters at the mere mention of evaluation, contact
me at 402-472-0917 or csas007@unlvm.unl.edu, and I will send a hard copy or
an attachment. Heidi Carter

Heidi Carter
Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems
University of Nebraska
219 Keim Hall
Lincoln, NE 68583-0949
p: 402-472-0917
f: 402-472-4104

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