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Re: Does Permaculture have to be so expensiv

Yes, but one would hope that PC would use a more ethical way of disseminating info than
corporations such as Monsanto or Shell.  MLM doesn't seem very socially sustainable to
me, then neither does the internet.


Xavier Dequaire wrote:

> >If we manage to distribute our information faster and better as the one of
> >Monsanto or Shell, this may really change things.
> This is one of the keys of some success of information about Permaculture
> and other alternative solutions-
> against Monsanto, coca cola and such others using billions in propaganda,
> Permaculture has to also use the advanced tools.
> Today internet and networking are the strongest and only affordable to us.
> MLM/network marketing was mentionned: there is a lot to learn there: the
> laws of duplication. MLM is very modern and basics and has strong tools.
>  That is where some (too) intellectual and theoritical aspects of
> permaculture come short,
> Theory can be learned through books and internet, I design myself
> interactive learning solutions (CBT-Computer Based Training), and I know it
> is possible to use the Internet technologies to create a fantastic and very
> efficient course to provide the theories.
> As imho Permaculture implies a shift in lifestyle, theory must be
> reinforced by practice, practicle training, that is: courses and meetings:
> gather people, exchange ideas on a small local basis where people have FUN
> doing it: this builds up the network.
> Some can make a living to organize those.
> This list is a network building up, it is ok, but after a while it gets
> somehow boring, I'd rather be in my garden discussing with you my
> micro-climates, compost, stove or edible pond or whatever makes
> sustainability and DO it.
> Peace
> Xavier
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