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Re: Does Permaculture have to be so expensive

I read about how you take two stakes and make a A with a rock or something
hanging down as a pendulum and with this you can tell where to dig a trench
that will catch water in back of a tree.  anyone care to explain that a
little more.  my understanding is that all land not being level has a
downhill.  if you put this trench behind your trees it will fill with water
and the water will stay in the trench and thus the tree can go longer
without water.  I seen it once (I don't get out much) and for such a simple
science it was so wise.  I would like to learn more about that.
----- Original Message -----
From: Larry London <london@metalab.unc.edu>
To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 1999 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: Does Permaculture have to be so expensive

> http://metalab.unc.edu/london   InterGarden
> london@metalab.unc.edu   lflondon@worldnet.att.net
> On Wed, 19 May 1999, Thilo Pfennig wrote:
> > On 18-May-99 Larry London wrote:
> > > On Tue, 18 May 1999, Thilo Pfennig wrote:
> > >> True, we should come to the point where pc-knowhow can be transfered
> > >> everyday people.
> > >> .... using the Internet and the Web: chat, email, news, webforums,
> > > lists, ftp
.> If you have information in hand in either hardcopy or electronic format
> you nearly have all you need to understand a subject, technology,
> hands-on, etc. and be able to make practical use of it. All you have to do
> is read, research, learn, take notes, organize info for easy retreival and
> utilize. This is a good reason to put together a free online permaculture
> course. I do not think this would detract from the livelihoods of
> professional PC teachers and consultants. Those who can afford their
> services will probably pay their price anyway, and reap the undeniable
> benefits. Those who cannot afford this deserve access to free information
> in print or on the Web (after paying cost-recovery where necessary).
> > If you look at computer-subjects especially in the Linux-sector, there
> > really a LOT of information available. This is GOOD. But this does not
> > that people allready KNOW (how to get it).
> > Where I would love to start is in creating some SGML or XML-sources of
> > pernmaculture-documents. Starting with Steve Divers Introduction for
> I would like to see an example of SGML and XML.
> > SGML, that means having the ability to produce for
> > email,news,web,printing and CD-ROM, whatever out of one document. I am
> > just a beginner in this field, but it is a good tool. Maybe the most
> > important tool since mankind exists. But I do not want to get into the
> > details here.
> Tell us about XML, Thilo.
> This is a large part of the future of information exchange; those involved
> with permaculture should make the best use possible of this amazing
> resource.
> ---
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