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Re: pine nuts

As to pine nuts, my understanding is that all "nuts" from pine cones are edible, it's
just that there are few species "worth" eating (ie large enough to really get enough
flavor).  The pinon pine (tilda over the n) is the one that I know of that grows
sizeable seeds, but I believe it does has a limiting growing environment.  I don't know
of others.


stephan leimroth wrote:

> greg,
> i have very limited experience with growing pine nuts,
> but hopefully some info for you:
> the pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla) is what grows here
> in the cold, dry, usually high, deserts of california.
>  they're a slow growing tree in these conditions and
> probably need a good freeze in order to produce a good
> harvest.  a mature tree produces a good harvest every
> four years so (as in buckets and shovel required under
> one tree).
> the commercial 'producers' of the nut are probably
> taking advantage of the national forests for their
> product.
> a friend just collected some nuts for eating, and i
> saved some to try to grow (for the same use as you).
> a search under the bot. name using one of those
> comprehensive search engines (eg., dogpile.com or
> metacrawler.com) should yield some more info.  the
> California Native Plant Society would also be a good
> source. (there must be at least one person in the
> group there who has a thing for that species.)
> good luck.
> stephan.
> ps. post another message in a couple of months and
> i'll tell you if any seeds managed to germinate.
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