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all about permaculture?

Some people have talked about permaculture-courses being to expensive. On the
other hand, permaculture not being well known...

Maybe this all has its roots in the more or less academic understanding of
permaculture? I mean the permaculture organizations have set the standard for
pc-education. Every standard has its price. But what is the standard for?
Shurely the following comparison is silly, but maybe organizations like
Weight-Watchers or Tupper have found a better way to spreaden some ideas?

Or: Is permaculture too complicated? I have visited one course by Declan
Kennedy in 1996. It was good. It was inspiring. But after the course I had
trouble to bring it all down to the very next level. 

Maybe we would neet to have two different ways of spreading the permaculture
way: One for a high standard and high price for those who can afford it. And
another one more encouraging for people on all levels to share their knowledge,
to practice sustainable solutions. This maybe the situation in some
ecovillages, allready. For most of us, this is not the situation we are living

I could image some life-patterns, that could be distributed, where permaculture
could help to be more economic with the ressources, we have. I was told,
permaculture is more about planning and designing everything in hole. But why
not change small things from which I would shurely take a benefit? 

Thilo Pfennig 