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Coming PC Courses in Mexico


Below is a list of coming Permaculture Courses here in Mexico. PLease
pass on this information to anyone who may be interested.



Introduction to Permaculture 
May 8 & 9    Piedra Grande, Edo. de Mexico 

A two day Introduction to Permaculture Workshop, held in conjunction
with the Universidad Iberoamericana. 

This brief workshop will focus on the basic design principles of
Permaculture, and some of its main techniques. The site itself has many
excellent examples of eco-technics, such as rain-water catchment, biogas
digestors, integrated animal systems, grey-water treatment, ferro-cement
and many more. 

For further information contact Arturo Farias,
aadvetrav@compuserve.com.mx, or (Mexico) 5870 4429 or 54376628. 

New Format Permaculture Design Certificate Course 
May   22, 29     Merida, Yucatan 

The 72 hour, two-week residential format for the Permaculture Design
Certificate course developed in Australia under a regime of generous
social and employment-condition contracts. It suited Australian work and
lifestyle patterns. 

But it does not work well outside those conditions.  USA, Germany and
England have all had to develop different formats. Here in Mexico, we
are finding the same experience. 

To make it easier for people to get their Design Certificate,the
Instituto de Permacultura de Mexico AC is now offering a new format. 

The first module is an eight-day (in Mexico a "week" is often spoken of
as "ocho dias" -eight days) intensive, residential course. During this
part the basic theory and technologies of Permaculture will be covered,
using practical and creative teaching methods. The second phase involves
the students returning home and undertaking the design component of the
course from their own home base, and for a project that is directly
relevant to them and their lives. In this time they will be supported
through correspondence or email with the course teacher/tutor. This
design work must be submitted for assessment prior to the issuing of the
Design Certificate. 

This format is more affordable, the design project is more directly
relevant to the participants and we believe the standard of work on the
designs will be higher than normal (it certainly has to be better than
the "substantial attendance" requirement of Australia that assures only
that people attended, not that they actually learnt anything!). 

The first course using this format will be held in conjunction with the
Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Merida. 

For more information contact Veronica Gomez on  vgomez@tunku.uady.mx, or
ring (Mexico) 99234466 

New Extended Permaculture/Community Training and Work Experience
August 15 - September 11  Patzcauro, Michoacan

Tamu Tariaticha, the Permaculture community in Patxcuaro, ( State of
Michoacan, in Mexico) is announcing the commencement of a new training
and work experience opportunity in Permaculture. 

The first phase is an annual, four-week intensive training program. This
is essentially an extended Permaculture Design Certificate Course.
Extended because much of the training will be outside in the field,
actually doing it and seeing it done. A practical, hands-on experience
of what Permaculture is about. Students will live and work and study
alongside members of the community. 

But it is more than just an extended Permaculture course. It is an
invitation to join and share with a small community in the beautiful
landscape near Lake Patzcuaro. Additional activities during the course
can include (depending on your interest) workshops on such topics as
massage, bread baking, working with local community projects, herbal
medicine, making/playing drums, participate in a temascal (sweet lodge)
ceremony and more. 

While the immediate community of Tamu is small, we have many skilled and
talented friends closely associated with our community. These people can
be called in to add their talents to the course/community experience.  

The second phase depends largely on the interest and abilities of each

People with reasonable knowledge of the Spanish language will be able to
choose from a variety of projects and activities with some of the
organisations with which Tamu works. Many of these NGOs are keen to have
help from willing, useful people. In most cases this activity will be on
a work exchange basis (ie in return for board and lodging), or will be
at a very low weekly cost. A range of possible activities are available
- from Community Development, Project Implementation, Agrofrestry,
Organic Farming, Local Environmental Action  etc. Locations vary from
Campeche in the south to Queretero in the mid-north. The work of these
organisations is extremely impressive, and an opportunity to work with
such groups will be a valuable and rewarding experience. 

People with little or no Spanish, will have the opportunity of joining
the community of Tamu (as many of us speak enlish) as a "permanent
visitor" (or is it ‘temporary resident")  to work and live with us. 

In either case, it will be up to both parties to agree on the conditions
and details of the work and stay involved. 

The cost of the four week, intensive is  $1200US. This includes full
accommodation, food, tuition and certification (by the Instituto de
Permacultura de Mexico AC). The cost of the on-going work experience
will be negotiated on an individual basis - but will generally be either
exchange, or at a very low maintenance cost. 

For further details, contact Skye at the below address. 

Skye - Apdo # 391,  Patzcuaro, Michoacan, CP. 61600 México. 
fax  (52) 01 (434) 24743
Profesor y diseñador en Permacultura
Director del Instituto de Permacultura de México A.C.
Talleres de desarrollo humano, planeación participativa y 
economía comunitaria.