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searching for a cover crop

hi everyone,
when i last wrote i was working in the more tropical climate of el salvador
and received great support and information.  i hope someone out there has
some time to offer me advice this time as well.

i am now working in the semi-arid okanagan valley of british columbia,
canada and i am looking for a ground cover that would grow between the rows
of vegetables in a field as well as between raised beds.  it is  a friend's
commericial organic vegetable and herb garden and he has planted rows of
mixed greens, baby veg, garlic, herbs, etc... in a field and in some beds.
right now he has grass between the rows to keep the ground full and the
dirt levels down so the greens don't need to be washed before sale.
however, while the grass does outcompete other 'weeds' it also infiltrates
the planted rows and even the raised beds.  as well, it requires a great
deal of energy to mow it throughout growing season.  i was hoping someone
might be able to advise me of another crop that could replace the grass, or
another system to fill the space more efficiently and effectively.  i am a
newcomer to these ideas as well as to this climate. thanks in advance.