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Compost Awareness Week May 2-8 (fwd)

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 18:25:35 -0800
From: Pat Jones <pjjones@worldnet.att.net>
To: sanet-mg@shasta.ces.ncsu.edu
Cc: pjones@ciwmb.ca.gov
Subject: Compost  Awareness Week May 2-8

      April 2, 1999

Dear Friend of Compost and Composting:
I would like to encourage you to participate in the upcoming 
National Composting Awareness Week," May 2-8, 1999.   Being 
sponsored for the first time by the U.S. Composting Council, this
international event is designed to turn the spotlight on composting,
create enthusiasm for recycling urban organic materials, and increase
demand for compost and mulch products.  The theme for 1999, "It's Your
Turn ... Compost!" draws attention to the importance of composting,
whether small-scale home projects or large-scale community operations.

The week's goal coincides with a priority of the California Integrated
Waste Management Board (CIWMB) "Greening Team," namely to keep organic
materials out of landfills by making, selling, and using value-added
organic products such as compost and mulch. 

To celebrate this week, the CIWMB encourages you to plan local
community activities to take advantage of State and national media
coverage.  You could host open house events and tours of composting
facilities and demonstration gardens, offer special prices on
products, or schedule "how to compost" backyard composting training
sessions to build community support and call attention to the reuse of
organic materials.  A press release from the U.S. Composting Council
is enclosed with this letter; you can adapt it to meet your needs by
adding specific local event information, or you can write your own
release.  Media coverage by TV & radio shows could highlight events
and activities of your own as well as extend to newspaper articles on
gardening and the use of compost. 

Any company that sponsors events can be listed on the U.S. Composting
Council's future advertisements and printed materials for specific
events and on its Web site, as well as be included in its upcoming
Public Service Announcements where possible.  For more information
about National Composting Awareness Week in general or about the
benefits of company sponsorships, contact Rod Tyler, National Field
Representative of the U.S. Composting Council, at (440) 926-8041, or
by e-mail at  rodndon@gte.net. 

The CIWMB also will help advertise all National Composting Awareness
Week events.  Please let us know about your events as they are planned
so that we can post them on the CIWMB's Organics Outlook Web site,
http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/organics.  Send information about your plans
to Ava De Lara at adelara@ciwmb.ca.gov or contact her at (916)

Organically yours,

William R. Orr
Greening Team Leader

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