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Re: The Lost Citrus Groves of California


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Lawrence F. London, Jr. [SMTP:london@metalab.unc.edu]
>> The Lost Citrus Groves of California tells the story of an industry
> >> http://www.notfrisco.com/calmem/citrus/index.html
>This is a very beautiful and important website. Look, read and learn
>about one of our great national resources, threatened by unscrupulous

And don't forget to read between the lines... ;-) ...displacement of
indigenous peoples, concentration of wealth (land) to a few individuals,
exploitation of migrant/immigrant labor, massive monocultures of
exotic/non-native species, long-distance (non-bioregional) exporting,
etc. etc.  There was nothing more scrupulous about how the citrus groves
came to be than how what came after them came to be...and with
advertising like that, no wonder everybody wanted to come live there!
Lots to learn from history...

John Schinnerer (whose father's family lived in SoCal back when there
were still lots of orange groves...)