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Re: Sustainable Building Materials


Just wanted thank Gene, and all the others for their well considered replies.

Many such minds are better than one. I especially liked some of Gene's
comments on building codes, and design criteria.

I had already decided on no fireplace, and his explanation cinched it.
The only concern I have about metal roofing is possible leaching of metals...I
saw references to two studies that showed way above average zinc etc. PPM's
even after a few hours. Someone siade newre baked on ceramic? finishes would
solve that...is that the same as enameled metal finishes?

I'm planning to build a knoll with forest about 100 ft from my back. I also
plan to use evergreen windbreaks, and trees and shrubs for other site

I'm undecided over whether to build on crawl space, or do a finished basement
that could be built into the hillside, provide we don't hit a rock ledge. he

For heating we are considering ground source heat pump with buried horzontal
piping. We will undersize since we intend to use a solar greenhouse to lower
heat requirements, and use fans , natural air conditioning systems that should
keep house comfortable in summer(we hope). At worst we'll put in some window
units if it becomes necessary. We hope not

We intend to build pasive solar home, and like what we have read in James
Kachadorian's Book The Passive Solar Home.

We'd liie to use rainwater collection for drinking puposes but are a bit
concerned about it's purity since events hundreds of miles away can affect
rain in your area.

I'm not sure what the best , simple, inexpensive water purification system is?
Any ideas specifics.

This brainstorming on the list is great for it really helps to identify
potential problems, or offers creative solutions...especially since we are not
engineers, or architects:)

Look forward to hearing from the list. Best to all.  Frank