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SAVE THIS POST -|- Re: info about subscribing (fwd)

Subscribers: SAVE THIS POST 

http://metalab.unc.edu/london   InterGarden   
london@metalab.unc.edu   llondon@bellsouth.net
New Permaculture list address (soon to be made simpler :-)
[you can subscribe here & are welcome to do so - 
for your convenience check out the user defaults option]

Anyone interested in doing permaculture chat on ICQ? 
[Download ICQ at http://www.icq.com] - an incredible program.

On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Fiona Campbell + Russ Grayson wrote:

> Subject: info about subscribing

> A permaculture friend of mine wants to subscribe to the list but I can't find
> the letter that lists the instructions. Could someone resend this letter to me
> please?

We now have a new list. This (the old) one will be discontinued
as soon as the system admin moves all of us over to the new one.
You do not need to do anything. 
Access via the Web for posting, subscribing, reading, etc. can be had at
these URLs for the time being - I hope to improve on this soon:
[http://metalab.unc.edu/london, http://metalab.unc.edu/InterGarden,
or http://metalab.unc.edu/intergarden will all work equally well]
The new posting address using email will be:
[I think you need to just say in the message text info or send info
or possibly put that in the subject line; haven't checked it out myself
yet. The system is very intelligent and flexible and tolerates a wide
range of input in case you forget access details.]
Access via Usenet news using your news reader can be had by adding
this server ID to your list of news servers or make it your default
server: franklin.oit.unc.edu [in Netscape this is easy - just click on 
"file", then "open news host", then type in franklin.oit.unc.edu in the
dialog box]. In Free Agent you can only have one news server (host)
but you can, of course, run multiple copies of Free Agent [just install
it into separate folders, each with a different name].
Subscribers will be able to post, crosspost, read and search;
non-subscribers will be able to read and search but not post. Any
spam posted will result in the offending party being permanently locked
out of the list and all messages submitted will be purged from the
archive. The system is set to archive permanently ALL posts to the list
whether they are posted via news, the Website or email.

Here's subscription for this (permaculture@listserv.oit.unc.edu) list
and the permaculture list at Envirolink:


This document can be found on the Web at:
and by ftp at:

Generic Subscription Information for Agriculture-Related 
Mailing Lists at U.N.C.: permaculture, organic-gardening, 
organic-certification, simple-living & homestead  

Here are brief subscription instructions plus a few urls for 
details about the U.N.C. listserver (uses the ListProc software).

Use the WILP page or send email to: listproc@listserv.oit.unc.edu
with the message body: review <put mailing list name here> to find
out name & email ID you are subscribed any list with, in case you 
don't remember and want to unsubscribe from the list.

To subscribe to a list, either use the WILP page:
or more specifically:
At this URL you'll find the complete usage docs for UNC's Listserver:
or just start at http://help/unc.edu

Manually subscribing or unsubscribing by email:
Address your request to subscribe to a mailing list to: 
listproc@listserv.oit.unc.edu or listserv@oit.unc.edu

i.e., send email to:
Leave the Subject: line blank. 

In the body of the message, type, if you're subscribing:

subscribe <put name of mailing list here> <put your real name here>
subscribe permaculture <your real name>

or, if you're unsubscribing type: 

unsubscribe <put name of mailing list here> 
this will work also:
unsubscribe <put name of mailing list here> <your real name> 

(you can also use the words unsub or signoff)

You will need to send these commands to the listserver using the 
email ID you subscribed to the list with, i.e. the ID associated 
with your name in the list of users who have subscribed to the 
mailing list.
For example: 
bsmith@somewhere.com (Bob Smith) wants to subscribe or unsubscribe to the
permaculture mailing list at UNC. bsmith@somewhere.com will send email
from his somewhere.com account to: listproc@listserv.oit.unc.edu and type
into the body of his message the following text:

subscribe permaculture Bob Smith
unsubscribe permaculture 

To Post To All The Subscribers Of The List,
i.e. to send your message to the mailing list:

Send your article by email to:

<put name of mailing list here>@listserv.oit.unc.edu

Write down and save the email ID and name you subscribed with.
If you ever need to unsubscribe this info will be necessary.
This list is configured to only allow subscribers to 
post articles.

Contact: Lawrence F. London, Jr., london@sunsite.unc.edu, list owner 
with any questions, requests or suggestions.


PERMACULTURE mailing list at Envirolink

From: Michael Yount (yount@csf.Colorado.EDU)
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 12:57:46 -0700 

Hi everyone,

This list is hosted by Josh Knauer and his colleagues
at Envirolink.

The subject of this list is permaculture, a 
design approach to living in harmony with nature.

This list is unmoderated and has three owners:
Lawrence London, london@sunsite.unc.edu
Natasha Teoli, nteoli@idirect.com
Michael Yount, yount@csf.colorado.edu

If you have questions or suggestions concerning the list,
please write to any of us.

Subscribing and unsubscribing:

send email to:
Leave the Subject: line blank. 

In the body of the message, type, if you're subscribing:
subscribe permaculture yourname
or if you're unsubscribing type: 
unsubscribe permaculture yourname
(you can also use the words unsub or signoff)

For example: 
subscribe permaculture Mary Jones
unsubscribe permaculture Mary Jones

To contribute to the list, send mail to 