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Registering Permaculture as a Trade Mark.

Hello All,
I don't wish this to be taken as any disrespect for the great teachers out
there, however I have related being allowed teach Permaculture after doing
a PDC as like talking to a body builder and expecting to go away with big

To me, the ethics that permaculture should embrace include solutions that
aren't monetary based and this view doesn't seem to be limited to me alone.
 However the movement has some people dependant on permaculture for a part
of their living and often this is a large of their living.

Do we have a situation where people who are dependant on a philosophy which
is partly based on achieving ends with solutions other than money are
dependant on that philosophy for their income?

If so, how much influence on the direction of this philosophy do these
people have?

My final question is if the permaculture philosophy of care for the people
has to suffer if permaculture is to be dominated by people who are
dependant on it in part or total for their income.

I too, would like to hear from David Holmgren, co-founder of Permaculture.
Neil Barraclough