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GBlist: aerogel

Further to the inquiry of below, I am only informed of the use of the
above for window experiements that Dr. Hunt (group leader)
NASA/LBL is doing. This is because of our work with Ultra-high performance
windows. (R-17 COG installed, R-20 in R&D stages).Is this product in use
as an insulation material today? Is there a web site for the above?
Jorg Ostrowski,  M. Arch. A.S. (MIT), B. Arch. (Toronto), Ecotect 
 in full-time professional practice since 1976 (Straw Bale since 1978),    
 3 demonstration projects in Canada built 1979, 1981, 1994, +80,000
 - living a conserver lifestyle & working in a sustainable home and office
Web Site [under construction]: http://www.ucalgary.ca/~jdo/ecotecture.htm
On Thu, 17 Apr 1997, John Salmen wrote:
> Does anyone know if there are any sheet manufacturers for aerogels. I
> have a reference for a company called Thermalux in the U.S. but can't
> find any information on it.

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