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Re: GBlist: PVC Solvent and IAQ

Jim wrote'
"Hi team, been a while.
A client is complaining of his reaction to something in his house, and he
thinks it's PVC cleaner and/or solvent.  There is a plumber working in the
house, of course.  I have no doubt that PVC solvents could cause a reaction.
I just have no experience here.

Is there some experience on this list with reactions to such solvents ?  What
do the reactions look like?  What are the people reacting to?  

Jim Newman, Construction Forum, Inc.

PVC solvent would be most likely to trigger complaints of irritation in the
eys, nose and throat.  Secondary effects might be head aches.  Lastly, some
small fraction of the population will have allergic immune system responses -
congestion, sneezes or hives. - Terry

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