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Re: GBlist: Carpenter Ants

I like John's attitude toward the carpenter ants--live and let live. And I
think they are quite handsome, as bugs go. However, other members of my
family are more of the smooshing persuasion, so we have made our own ant
poison by combining borax powder (from the pharmacy) with jam (home-made).
Kills the ants but will not harm humans, unless they eat it. If the ants
ignore straight jam mix, try diluting and soaking a rag they can suck
liquid from.

In our admittedly limited experience, we have only found the ants in places
where moisture was getting in through leaks, so it is a good idea to try to
investigate where the ants are coming from and fix any moisture problems.


O'Brien & Associates
Environmental Building Consultants
Portland General Electric Earth Smart program

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