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Re: GBlist: Good Wood

I did the search Bruce suggests, and got this list (the REDI Guide really works, folks!):

 Ecoforestry Institute, The 
 Forest Stewardship Council, The 
 Rainforest Alliance "Smart Wood" Program 
 Rogue Institute 
 Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) 
 Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute 
 Silva Forest Foundation 

Smart Wood (within Rainforest Alliance, but pretty independent), and SCS are the two main organizations in North America, and both also certify internationally. SCS=Green Cross. They're no longer using that name, though they do use a green cross and globe in the logo.

The Forest Stewardship Council isn't a certifying agency, but rather THE international association that accredits and ensures common basic standards among the different agencies. It's amazing what they have accomplished.

All the other agencies listed are small, regional groups working on forestry practices in their particular region. As of last year, they were all certifying forestry operations under Smart Wood's accreditation, as part of the "Smart Wood Alliance." Other Smart Wood Alliance groups not on this list are the Northeast Natural Resource Center, which is part of the National Wildlife Federation, and the Institute for Sustainable Forestry in California. That was it as of last June. You can get a current list from Smart Wood: 212/677-1900.

There are more details in the story "Smart Wood Innovating New Certification Strategies" in the July/August '96 issue of EBN.

About your other question, Mike, of certifying installers, I haven't heard of that happening. Seems like that would be taking the red tape too far. Contractors and installers have to monitor and be honorable to their word about what they've used, because we can't check their every move!

>REDI (www.oikos.com/redi/) lists six "Sustainable Forestry Certification 
>Agnecies". The quickest way to find them is to enter "forestry" under the 
>Search by Topic. If anyone knows of others, I would like to add them to 
>the database.
>REDI also identifies companies that sell certified products under the 
>category "Certified Forest Management." 
>>Are there other organizations that certify wood, besides SmartWood and
>>Green Cross?

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