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Re: GBlist: "Light" list humor


It's true, but here's no mention of diligent moderators imploring listers 
to respect all opinions about the various types of light bulbs.


> Q:  How many internet mail list subscribers does it take
>       to change a light bulb?
> A:  1,331:
>           1 to change the light bulb and to post to the mail
>             list that the light bulb has been changed
>          14 to share similar experiences of changing light
>             bulbs and how the light bulb could have been
>             changed differently.

etc, etc.

Bruce Sullivan                                        Tel: 541-484-9353
Iris Communications, Inc.                             Fax: 541-484-1645
Web: http://oikos.com/                           E-mail: iris@oikos.com
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