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GBlist: [ECOCITY] ESD Conference (fwd)

Following on is a message re a conference to be held in December this 
year in Canberra, Australia.    Please forward this information onto your 
colleagues and other lists.

Please request further information from the conference organisers, 
(details at the end of the message)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 13:28:39 +1000
From: Catalyst 1997 conference <cat97@DESIGN.CANBERRA.EDU.AU>
Subject: [ECOCITY] ESD Conference

Please forward this email announcement to your colleagues.

Helen Baldry

                CATALYST '97 CONFERENCE
                   5-8 DECEMBER 1997
This conference is intended to facilitate a paradigm shift in
environmental design that will help to bring about the
transformation to an ecologically sustaining society.
Catalyst '95 laid the foundation by bringing together students,
professionals, activists and academics seeking ways to reduce resource
use, habitat destruction, hazardous materials, waste and pollution
through the design of buildings and their components, industrial
 processes and products, and construction or production methods.
Catalyst '97 takes the next step, focusing on means to conserve and
add value to natural resources through systems design thinking, and to
provide a forum to develop strategies for translating ecodesign
innovations into reality.
                TOPICS FOR PAPERS
Short provocative papers that challenge the thinking of conference
participants are welcome on any subject within the realm of
environmental philosophy, planning or design.
However, they should be geared toward eco-solutions, strategies or
empowerment actions, such as:
* presenting ideas which promote value adding, resource
efficiency and innovation in the construction industry.
* providing case studies of successful ecodesign solutions.
* suggesting how design can improve human-nature
relations and heighten ecological awareness.
* identifying means to overcome barriers to producing and
marketing ecologically-benign products and buildings.
* suggesting strategies for internalising the principles of
industrial and construction ecology and eco-economics.
* offering design aids for selecting appropriate construction
materials, methods, processes and products.
LOCATION: Refectory, University of Canberra, Belconnen,
Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
TO REGISTER: print and send form to:
        Catalyst '97 Conference
        University of Canberra
        PO Box 1,
        BELCONNEN ACT 2616
or E-MAIL to: cat97@design.canberra.edu.au.
FAX: (61 6+) 201 2279 or (61 6+) 201 5034
PHONE: (61 6+) 201 5754 or (61 6+) 201 2178
                 FURTHER INFORMATION:
For details on the content of papers, editorial instructions, the
'Ecodesign Challenge' or other aspects of the program, contact Janis
Birkeland, convenor, Centre for Environmental Philosophy, Planning
& Design at the above address, or contact direct:
E-MAIL: jlb@design.canberra.edu.au.
Phone  (06) 201 2693 Intern'l  (61 6+).
Fax  (06) 201 2279  or  (06) 201 5034   Intern'l  (61 6+)
See our HOME PAGE http://design2.canberra.edu.au/catalyst
                WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
* Design professionals, students and academics in such fields as
industrial design, architecture, planning, forestry, engineering,
construction management, landscape architecture or environmental
* Government officials, policy practitioners and theorists.
* Community groups and environmental or social activists.
* People with expertise or interest in areas such as indigenous
architecture, cultural landscapes, passive solar design, 'woodless'
timber technologies and the like.
"Hands-on' workshops, debates on controversial issues and special
panels will be offered. Participants are also encouraged to organise
workshops, panels or strategy sessions. The conference will create the
opportunity to generate action groups and networks to focus on
various aspects of implementing ecodesign solutions.
                COME FOR 2 CONFERENCES!
The Australia New Zealand Solar Energy Society or ANZSES
conference will be held just before Catalyst '97 from 1-3 December.
Topics range from photovoltaics, window technologies, wind energy,
energy politics and greenhouse policy to remote area power systems.
Contact Dr. Blakers, Conference Chair, Department of Engineering,
ANU, Canberra, ACT, 0200, Australia.
PHONE:  (06) 249 5905 Intern'l  (61 6+)
E-MAIL:  anzsus@keystone.arch.unsw.edu.au.
A student challenge to design an ecological dwelling(s) that
demonstrates practical solutions - such as original or new energy,
resource and waste minimising technologies - will be judged by a
multidisciplinary panel at the conference. (For Australian residents.)
An award will be presented and selected plans and models displayed.
Students outside the Faculty are welcome to enter the challenge.
Contact Dr. Birkeland for the design brief, criteria, conditions and
Practitioners and businesses are encouraged to display new ecodesign
technologies. These will be vetted and a fee assessed, which may be
waived where displays are for educational purposes with no
commercial interest.
            FIELD TRIPS, STUDY TOURS (Post Conference)
A.      Permaculture Field Trip.
B.      Ecological Homes Field Trip.
C.      Regional Forest Management Study Tour.
D.      Landcare Group Study Tour.
E.      Ecotourism Study Tour.
F.      Water Management Study Tour.
G.      Canberra Urban Planning Field Trip.
H.      Canberra Community Housing Field Trip.
These excursions will vary from 1 to 3 days following the conference.
Expressions of interest should be received by August 5, 1997.
Information will be sent to those interested.
                        (detach here)

                        * REGISTRATION  FORM *
(Please fill in all areas, and Email/mail in)
Last name: _______________________________________________
First name: _______________________________________________
Organisation ______________________________________________
City ___________________________________________________
State ______________________ Zip/Post Code  _________________
Country _____________________ Day phone (_________________)
Night phone (__________________) Fax (_____________________)
E-mail __________________________________________________
Signature ________________________________________________

If you wish to contribute a poster-paper, video, workshop or
training session, please indicate and include details:
Special needs or information
 Please provide for special equipment:
 Please send information on the following field trips:
Fees (includes evening meal but not lunch)
       Overseas speakers __________________________________$  nil
       People providing written papers _______________________$ 190
       Full fee paying participants___________________________$ 290
       Early registration for full fee paying____________________$ 190
        participants only - by July 5th 1997
       Unwaged or student: ________________________________$  90
        Please provide verification
       One day only: Unwaged or student _____________________$  50
        All others _________________________________________$  90
    Conference dinner
       Please book conference dinner                       $  30
        (Includes entertainment and some drinks)
TOTAL                                                    $ ________
NOTE: Please make cheque payable to Catalyst '97 (Aust. Dollars).
Campus motel and student dorm rooms have been reserved . Book
directly with the University Accommodation Office, but indicate your
intention here. (Prices may change.)
       I plan to stay in the campus motel      ~ $ 58 /night
        Ensuite, telephone and breakfast.)
       I plan to stay in the campus residences ~ $ 22 /night
        (A phone, but shared kitchen and bath.)
       Please send information on local motels and hotels.
       Please try to arrange a home stay.
If you would like a billet, please provide personal details (eg. smoker?
vegetarian? gender? age?).
       Please try to arrange child care.
Please attach details and times you anticipate needing assistance.
                        (detach here)

                SCHEDULE IN REFECTORY (Building 1)
09:00 - 10:30 Plenary session
10:30 - 11:00 Morning coffee
11:00 - 12:30 Parallel sessions
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Parallel sessions
15:30 - 16:00 Afternoon tea
16:00 - 17:30 Parallel sessions
Thurs 4th Early registration party at 6 pm.
Friday 5th An evening of talks and entertainment. Free to
        conference participants; open to the public for $3 at
Saturday 5th Conference dinner, featuring surprise guest.
Sunday 6th Conference party.
Monday 7th Tree planting (reparation ceremony).
                PROGRAM FORMAT
TALKS: 3 talks will be presented in each 1 1/2 hour session.
Talks will be 15 minutes to allow questions, discussion and an
opportunity to change sessions.

PAPERS: The abstracts and timetable will be sent out a month
before the conference. To reduce waste, separate copies of individual
papers will be available at the conference to interested parties, or
posted later on request.

BOOK: Rather than conference proceedings,  selected papers will be
edited and published as a book.

Register early, eat, drink and meet other participants on Thursday,
December 4th, from 6 pm on at the Refectory in Building 1.
Entertainment, wine and nibblies provided.
We will do what we can to meet planes, trains and buses, and to
shuttle people to their rooms - especially overseas participants. Close
to the conference date, please inform us of your arrival details.
                IMPORTANT DATES
August 5, 1997: Deadline for expressions of interest in
        study tours for planning purposes. There may be
        opportunities for others to join these groups later.
September 5, 1997: Deadline for abstracts. Late abstracts
        may be accepted at the discretion of the convenor.
October 5, 1997: Notification of acceptance of papers.
November 5, 1997: Abstracts published and posted.
December 5, 1997: Conference opens at 9 am.
December 9, 1997: Study tours and field trips begin.

'Catalyst 97' The Design & Environment Conference
Centre for Environmental Philosophy Planning & Design
Faculty of Environmental Design,
University of Canberra
PO Box 1
EMAIL:  cat97@design.canberra.edu.au.
PHONE: (61 6+) 201 5754
HOME PAGE:  http://design2.canberra.edu.au/catalyst

'Catalyst 97' The Design & Environment Conference
           DECEMBER 5-8th 1997
Centre for Environmental Philosophy Planning & Design
Faculty of Environmental Design,
University of Canberra
PO Box 1
Helen Baldry (Research Assistant)
(06) 201 5754

This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by Oikos (www.oikos.com)
and Environmental Building News (www.ebuild.com). For instructions
send e-mail to greenbuilding-request@crest.org.