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Re: GBlist: Rant: Strawbale

In a message dated 5/16/97 2:43:56 PM, kwright@SMTP-ROCKVILLE.dynamac.com

<<Our population (world-wide) is booming.  The Malthusian Solution may be
    messy, but it is entirely natural.  One would hope that with our
    vaunted ability to reason and think ahead, we would be doing more to
    save ourselves from the pain and death of mass die-offs, but I don't
    see it.  To those of you who believe that technology will save the day,
    I must disagree.  Each technology that has been developed has solved
    one problem and created numerous others.  I'd rather change the way
    people live and think so that they prevent the problems, than rely on
    technology to cure a problem. (with one exception, see below)


Malthus kinda reminds of my fourth grade weekly reader on dinosaurs, which
basically said, "They had small brains and they died".  Having found a big
brain a hell of a handicap in my life I expect that whatever species studies
us after we're gone will have articles in their weekly readers that basically
say "They had big brains and they died".  I have come to believe that if we
manage to get an economy together that is sustainable, like we can do it for
a real long time, it will have as much to do with heart and spirit as big
brains.  Thanks for the thoughts. - Terry
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