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FWD: RE>>GBlist: Fluorescent lights

I received the following comment from Steve Selkowitz on Marilyn's concern
about "inrush" energy consumption and lamp life. It is supportive of a
couple of others posted on the list over the weekend.


                      RE>>GBlist: Fluorescent lights - to...         5/18/97

She [Marilyn} is wrong or perhaps misunderstood something regarding the
inrush current-
its just not possible for it to equal 4 hours of energy use.
I know the switching reduces lamp life- I suppose it could reduce ballast
life as well but have never heard of that.  The effect on lamp life is well
understood and directly measurable.
Hal Levin	  <hlevin@cruzio.com>
Hal Levin & Associates         
2548 Empire Grade, Santa Cruz, CA 95060-9748
408.425.3946  fax 408.426.6522  

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