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Re: GBlist: Drainwater heat recovery

This would work really great with the system I am designing into my home,
which I read about in the earthship volumes.

The idea is to have a solar batch heater with some warm (or hot) water in
it. You then pass that water through a heat-on-demand propane heater which
takes advantage of the fact that the water is already warm (or hot). 

If one of these heat recovery systems is placed between the batch heater
and the propane heater, it should reduce propane use even further!

> From: Dan Cautley <dcautley@NAHBRC.ORG>
> To: greenbuilding@crest.org
> Cc: Jim Vaughn <jvaughn@vaughncorp.com>
> Subject: GBlist: Drainwater heat recovery
> Date: Thursday, May 22, 1997 9:31 AM
> The GFX has proven performance in a lab setting, with an 
> effectiveness of about .60 (i.e. captures about 60% of theoretically 
> available energy) during simultaneous flow.  It has not been subject 
> to any rigorous field trial yet, but I have a proposal out to a 
> number of utilities to install and monitor systems in occupied homes 
> to obtain this information.  

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