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GBlist: OPTIMIZE 3.1 ? (was re: Info search (LCA))

on Mon, 26 May 1997 
Hal Levin <hlevin@cruzio.com> wrote:
Re: Info search (LCA)

[ snipped ]

>    ...what are the advantages, disadvantages,and limitations of one or
>    another LCA approach, methodology, software package, or other tool of
>    interest and relevance to GB listers?

Hello Hal and GB-Heads;

I wonder if anyone has used or has an opinion of "OPTIMIZE", which is
described as:
     "...a Canadian data base and spreadsheet application for estimating
     the  life cycle energy, material flow, environmental impact and cost
     of residential buildings and assemblies".

     "...expands the analysis to include ... energy for maintenance,repair
     and replacement of building components, and the energy to demolish and
     haul away the structure at the end of its lifetime"

     "... also analyses the environmental impact ...by quantifying
     ...outdoor and indoor air emissions ... data can be entered for
     pollutants such as CFC's and particulates".

     "...keeps track of any materials ...that might contribute significant
     amounts of VOCs indoors... calculates the total emission rates and
     concentrations for nine of the most prevalent VOCs."

I think there is a newer version of OPTIMIZE out, but I can't find the
write-up about it just now. Sorry eh ?

Rob  Tom
---------- * ------------
Kanata,  Ontario,  Canada

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