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GBlist: Embedding Graphics on List Posts (comment)

   Embedding Graphics on List Posts (comment)
This rant is on behalf of all those people on the list
who do not have P200 / 33Kbps modems / and clean phone
lines (...which fortunately leaves me out...) let's try to
give people the OPTION of downloading graphic images rather
than just attaching them to postings that go to the list
at large.  This would permit the retrieval of images by
those of us who read the (a?) description, but frees up 
connect time and e-mail disk-space for those with more 
typical systems (like: 486-P75 / 14.4 bps/ crummy phone line)

Another alternative would be to provide a page on a web-site
where the images could be posted, with a table of contents,
and could be viewed as links from the list posts and from
the archive files.  If EBN or OIKOS could do this, fine, or
if not I would be willing to establish such a free greenbuild-image
page at nrg-builder.com for the use of the list. Nrg-builder.com
is also on CREST so good continuity is likely.   Comments?

       Thanks in advance, Bion

--------------- Contact Information------------------
        Mr. Bion D. Howard, Principal          
  Building Environmental Science & Technology   
  P. O. Box 1007, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20773 USA
  bdhoward@ix.netcom.com <--> http://nrg-builder.com
     Voice#  410-867-8000  fax#  301-889-0889
This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by Oikos (www.oikos.com)
and Environmental Building News (www.ebuild.com). For instructions
send e-mail to greenbuilding-request@crest.org.