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GBlist: Ventilation/filtration/ac system

In response to Bella's inquiry, Mike wrote:

"Your heating guy may well be able to help you design a complete
package, if you give him a chance to do so."

The rest of Mkke's comments relating to upgrading the house are
excellent but, in my experience, to expect Mr. Average HVAC Contractor
to adequately design a ventilation system is wishful thinking. Don't get
me wrong, I know that there are many compentent contractors out there,
but most are making enough money doing the same old thing, that they
aren't concerned with the V in HVAC.

Again, based on my experience, if you ask Mr. Average HVAC Contractor to
design a ventilation system most will say you don't need one (because
they've never installed one). Some will say, "We can do that" because
they've seen an advertizement for one manufacturer's product, and they
figure they can make a few extra bucks. Finding a contractor who knows
anything about duct leakage, pressure dynamics, and ventilation design
is rare. Finding a contractor who has even heard of duct-sealing
mastics, blower doors, etc. is rare.

As a small publisher, we know where most of our books end up. Our
Understanding Ventilation book had an excellent review in Air
Conditioning and Refrigeration News (a widely distributed trade
publication) a while back, and it resulted in selling only a few books.
The vast majority of our books go to interested homwowners who then must
educate their contractor. 

Ventilation is no different than green/healthy building. If you ask Mr.
Average Builder or Designer to create a green or healthy house, they
won't have any idea where to start. Again, don't get me wrong, there are
many green/healthy builders and designers out there. They're just in the
John Bower, The Healthy House Institute
http://www.hhinst.com/    email: healthy@bloomington.in.us
430 N. Sewell Road, Bloomington, IN 47408
Phone/fax 812-332-5073
This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by Oikos (www.oikos.com)
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