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GBlist: Malathion use

Bonnie (Solar Girl) I am one of those CA residents that has been sprayed
with malathion.  This was done many years ago.  We too had been assured
that there was no real danger.  Many many people were in an uproar about
being sprayed.

As it turned out, the helicopter noise and vibration was the only real
problem.  It can be a bit bothersome when a fleet of helicopters flys 2-300
feet above your home.

Never once did I hear of any documented human health problems associated
with the spraying. It sure took care of the medflys.  Local officials did
recommend rinsing cars left outside.  We keep our cars in the garage so it
was never a problem for us.  I can't recall any complaints about paint
problems but I am sure there were some.

People quickly forgot all about the spraying.

I suggest you be aware of the flight path, stay indoors when they go over,
rinse your cars afterwards, and go about your normal business.  Better to
have a few malathion droplets to wash off than a devistated crop.  I have
seen the damage the medfly can do.

Randy Bynum
US Energy Controls

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