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GBlist: incinerating toilets

Kathy O'Reilly wrote:

> I need information about incenerary toilets. can you help me???

Dear Kathy;
some thoughts on incinerating toilets
It is our opinion that incerating toilets are not a contribution to a
sustainable lifestyle.  There are always two issues for us when we talk
of alternatives to the flush toilet/septic tank system.  One is whether
or not the end product is free of disease causing organisms, the other
is whether or not the end product is a benefit to the sustained biologic
diversity of our home.  INcinerating toilets pass the first question
which is all the public health folks are concerned about, but they fail
the second question.  While ash will provide some nutrient value to the
soil for a period, the loss of soil biological diversity will still
result.  Full composting of our body by-products into a rich humus
material will allow a full spectrum of biological organisms to survive.
Ron Sutcliffe                              Research assistant
Solar Systems Engineering                Appropriate Rural Technology Association
HC 60 Box 137                          Composting Toilets, Greywater Treatment,
Quemado, NM 87829  USA                 Drinking water Pasteurization
505 773 4895                         email    compost@concentric.net
                           Webpage  http://www.concentric.net/~compost
