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Re: GBlist: solar composting toilets

I have some literature on composting toilets around here somewhere.  I
will look for it.  On a related issue be sure that you vent the toilet. 
I should not have to explain why.

We offer several solar vents and fans that you might find of use for this

Steve Shepard
SBT Designs

On Tue, 1 Jul 1997 22:54:41 -0600 "A. Bambi Tran" <puchica@es.com.sv>
>Hello all!  Hope all is well...
>This is a general request for specific info on solar composting 
>I want to include a solar composting toilet in a house design in the 
>Shasta area in CA but apparently the county has a restriction on that. 
>Does anyone know why?
>Also, where can i find more info on solar composting toilet designs, 
>different climates, different cultures, etc..?  What are the 
>and codes on them?
>Anyone who have used, designed, built, etc.. a solar composting toilet 
>would like to share their perspectives and suggestions please e-mail 
>thanks very much...
>peace and good will!
> a b tran.
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