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GBlist: new greenbuilding website

I received inquiries about Maharishi Sthapatya Ved (MSV) from several
subscribers to this list. So I thought I'd share the following
paragraph from the FAQs at the new MSV website

    Sthapatya Veda is one of the 40 aspects of Vedic literature. It
    represents the establishing quality of cosmic creative
    intelligence, and the texts associated with this aspect give
    principles of architecture and environmental design and planning.
    Maharishi Sthapatya Veda design is the revival of Sthapatya
    Veda. It connects every part of knowledge to its holistic basis in
    the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature ... The result is not
    just seen but is directly experienced by those who live and work
    in homes and office buildings designed through Maharishi Sthapatya
    Veda architecture. Today, for the first time, we have a building
    technology to transform the way people think and feel -- to create
    homes and offices that by their mere design promote good health,
    clear thinking, happiness, harmony, and prosperity for the family
    or business -- architecture that is truly in accord with Natural

In answer to the FAQ "Do you support the Green movement?" subscribers
to this list will be interested in this answer:

    We favor any type of planning that is more in accord with Natural
    Law. Maharishi Sthapatya Veda design is complementary to "green"
    building. In fact, we recently hosted a delegation of architects,
    developers and builders from Austria and Germany, including
    prominent Bau Biologists, who offered to collaborate with us in
    developing a protocol for non-toxic building.

If anyone would like to explore how various greenbuilding materials
and techniques, especially timber framing, can be joined to the
consciousness-based designs of MSV, browse the website and then
contact the Maharishi Global Construction office in Fairfield, Iowa:

     phone: 1-515-472-9605
     email: reception@mgc-vastu.com

And do drop me a line. 

Tom Nelson Scott                  Phone/Fax: 1-414-966-2902
The Veda Home Company             Business email: tom.scott@veda-home.com
W330 N8357 West Shore Drive       Academic email: veda@csd.uwm.edu
Hartland WI 53029-9732            Academic web: http://www.uwm.edu/~veda
                     "Do less, accomplish more."                       

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