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Re: GBlist: 2x4 studs

Bruce -

Fifteen years ago I added onto my house and I chose the foam over 2x4
design. However, the architech/contractor (not me) did not include
plywood sheathing as in normal construction. The idea was to nail into
the exterior wood clapboards, through the foam and into the 2x4s. 
However, the contractor didn't mark the location of the studs accurately
and missed them about 25% of the time.

Fortuneately I had not installed the fiberglass insulation yet so I
could see the missed ones and made the contractor renail them. What a
hassle; and it left some holes in the clapboards to be filled in.  I
would do it again but I'd include plywood or other sheathing this time.

			- Jim Rogers -
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