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GBlist: Framing System Study / Sheathing guidance

Note: John Spears is not now with ECM, but maintains his own private
practice in resource efficient design (http://www.sustainabledesign.com)

The ECM contact you seek is Doug Long, PE, (410-332-0644) or
Brian Curran, President, for more information on the study.

Additional information on the ramifications of exterior foam
plastic sheathing is contained in the _Builders Guide_ prepared
by Joe Lstiburek for EEBA; pg. 209, 219. 

       See:    http://www.eeba.org/publish.htm

As far as cost information is concerned, local costs will always 
differ from the cost books even when corrected with "factors" they
use to normalize between economies and geography.  A builder is
best advised to study the costs in their local area, and include
other factors related to resource efficiency in the selection
criteria.  See back issues of _Environmental Building News_ for a
listing of these factors. 

--------------- Contact Information------------------
        Mr. Bion D. Howard, Principal          
  Building Environmental Science & Technology   
  P. O. Box 1007, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20773 USA
  bdhoward@ix.netcom.com <--> http://nrg-builder.com
     Voice#  410-867-8000  fax#  301-889-0889
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Environmental Building News <www.ebuild.com> and Oikos <www.oikos.com>
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