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GBlist: Re: Green specifications

>Can someone tell me where to find a spec for environmentally sensitive
>construction procedures ?

If you want specifications for *managing waste* on a construction site,
order the manual "WasteSpec: Model Specifications for Construction Waste
Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling" from the non-profit organization
Triangle J Council of Governments, Research Triangle Park, NC (919)
549-0551.  They sell the manual with a computer disk (at cost) for $28.
Their web site is www.state.nc.us/TJCOG/solidwst.htm#wastdocs.

Alex Wilson already mentioned Green Spec, which is published by the
Alameda County Recycling Board.  This is an excellent source for
*specifying products* in a contract.  The phone number I have for them
is the Alameda County Recycling Hotline at (510) 639-2498.  Their web
site is www.stopwaste.org.

I'm writing a 4-page fact sheet that is a brief overview of recycling
and construction specifications.  It includes references such as those
above.  If you're interested in a copy when it's finished, please keep
in touch.

Casey Robb, P.E.
California Integrated Waste Management Board
Sacramento, California
(916) 255-2930
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