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Re: GBlist: New glazing material

Hi, Sherry--

I remember seeing a similar glazing system many years ago, when it was
being promoted by Steve Baer, that wonderful inspirational solar guy. It
seemed like a great concept, but there were some nagging little problems
then--the polystyrene beads would develop a static charge and stick to the
glazing when they were supposed to be sucked out, and the glazing scratched
readily when being handled or cleaned. You are also correct that expansion
and contraction will be an issue so the glazing frame needs to let the
sheets move without leaking (?). However, the system was certainly
entertaining and educational, more than can be said for boring old windows.

Best, Mike

>Two layers of clear polycarbonate sandwiching an airspace
>filled with polystyrene pellets - does anyone know the green
>benefits of this method of glazing?  Also, I am looking for
>an installation method that will allow the polycarbonate to
>adjust to major temperature fluctuations (in Montreal,
>Canada there are hot summers and cold winters).
>Sherry Poon
>This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by CREST <www.crest.org>
>Environmental Building News <www.ebuild.com> and Oikos <www.oikos.com>
>For  instructions send  e-mail to  greenbuilding-request@crest.org.

O'Brien & Associates
Environmental Building Consultants
Portland General Electric Earth Smart program

This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by CREST <www.crest.org>
Environmental Building News <www.ebuild.com> and Oikos <www.oikos.com>
For  instructions send  e-mail to  greenbuilding-request@crest.org.
