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GBlist: Re: Cob Living Roofs (Zer-Flor)

At  4:46 PM 8/1/97 -0700, EREC - Duncan, Cameron wrote:
>(Please pardon the cross-posting)
>Hello all,
>     I've been conversing with a gentleman in southern Indiana who has
>been asking for information on a living roof assembly about which he's
>read marketing material.
>     A Frankfurt, Germany or Netherlands organization had an arrangement
>with Virginia Polytechnic to grow some of their living roof/sound
>abatement systems to see what planting combinations would work best for
>various North American climates. Reportedly, the European company/group
>offered three living roof systems commonly employed in Europe for sound
>attenuation near airports, highways, etc.
>     (1) Zer-Flor moss-sedum -- the lowest growing mix
>     (2) Zer-Flor moss-herbal roof -- slightly taller mix
>     (3) Zer-Flor grass-herbal roof -- tallest mix
>The assembly system of earth, drainage mediums, etc. was well thought-out
>and possibly part of the package.
>     Of the two telephone numbers (no addresses) available, neither was a
>working number. He snooped around the Virginia Tech. architecture
>department, he says, without success--didn't try the horticultural
>     Has anyone any information I could use to find out more about this?
>Other living roof approaches? Any architectural or horticultural groups I
>may contact that might know? (I checked the straw bale archives already)
>Thank you.
>Cameron Duncan

Cameron, Xeroflor or Ecomat was in existence a few years back but I have
tried to contact them over the past few weeks and have not had any
response. If you are looking for information on living roofs I would
suggest you contact Soprema in Wadsworth, OH. They are manufacturing a
product called Sopranature which has been used in Europe for many years.
Their website is at www.soprema.com or phone is 330/334-0066

Doug Patterson

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