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GBlist: Local Renewal marketing

> Date:          Tue, 05 Aug 1997 14:41:23 -0400
> To:            Daniel Arons <darons@payette.com>, greenbuilding@crest.org
> From:          Frazer Dougherty <doughf@mindspring.com>
> Subject:       Re: GBlist: renewal- Andersen Renewal Update
> Cc:            ee-building@crest.org

> Scott Johnson called me back today and gave me the following info on
> Andersen's Renewal project. They are beginning in the Twin Cities area and
> will probably not be nationwide for several years. As you may guess, given
> Andersen's committement to quality and the general state of renovation work
> in this country they have a great deal of education, quality control and
> tracking issues to deal with.

> By the way - does anyone in that part of the world have any direct
> experience with the program ???

I'm from MN - where Andersen is based, and actually used to live in 
the city they were based out of.  Although I haven't used the 
windows, I was surprised to see them brought up on this list.  You 
see - although they are being heavily marketed locally (we've gotten 
3 or 4 brochures already) they aren't being advertised (at least in 
the mainstream) as "environmentally conscious" or whatever.  They are 
being sold on the basis of being custommade, reliable etc - but the 
recycled nature of them is not even mentioned in the brochure we 
recieved last week.

Shannon Goyette
Shannon Goyette
Coach, Forest Lake HS
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