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GBlist: building costs

Hi folks,

Our cohousing group is reaching the point where we have to consider our
decisions on what construction technologies to use.  I'm trying to put
together a chart comparing costs and other considerations for the
options we are looking at.  I know trying to compare square foot costs
for diferenet technologies is very crude and inaccurate and will vary
because of where we live--southwest Colorado.  It can help give us a
picture of what's realistic and affordable though.

What I want to compare is the following, in terms of square foot costs,
ease of construction, options for sweat equity and owner builder
	*standard stick frame construction
	*energy efficient stick frame construction	
	*straw bale
	*sraw clay	
	*earth block
	*poured earth
	*anything else

We are committed to energy and resource efficiency and very interested
in alternative construction, if doable and affordable.  I'm looking for
any and all feedback.  If anyone knows if this has been done and where I
can find it, or similar information, that would be great.  Thanks in

Barry Goldberg
970-259-2194 day
970-385-7451 evening

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