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Re: GBlist: Lily pads in a pond

97.08.22	1304	edt
I like the idea!  Let me chk out the control aspects (ie, will the carp/gf
be hard keep with other creatures in the pond after they do their thing,
etc) and see what happens.  Will rpt back to the list on this.

Thanks for an interesting idea.

>Dear Jim,
>        RE your lily pads, I believe that large carp (gold fish) will take
>care of them for you.  We returned two years ago from four years in Bangkok
>Thailand where we had a moat/canal/klong around the perimeter of our
>residence.  I tried planting/growing lilly pads in it (plenty of room) but I
>am pretty sure it was the fish that ate them--they were large too,
>transplanted from our next door neighbors.  We had geese too, but I am sure
>it was the fish.  Good luck.
>                                                        Sacie Lambertson

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