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Re(2): GBlist: Faswall

You may only be remembering a builder- George Swanson's Faswall houses. His
stucco is a very thin "earth plaster", and he pours concrete every fifth
course in the blocks (not manufacturer recommendation) There were two of his
houses on our tour.  Many of his building methods go against all proven
structural building practices..... he is not building these in the city limits
where a code would be enforced.... What can I say. 

The Faswall buildings with a direct application of two coat stucco- convential
stuff seem to be working well- no cracks visible. Everyone I've spoken with
that used Faswall has positive experiences except in availability.

Nice to hear from you- aren't you all having that baby soon?


Sue Barnett
Sustainable Building Calendar at http://www.greenbuilder.com
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