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Re: GBlist: Re: German Building & a general comment

Jim (James G) Hardwick CPA wrote:
> A comment on the recent "war" on the list, and the out of proportion
> reactions to same.  The manner in which some of you are trying to shut down
> the voice(s) you do not like is not attractive.  As I recently finished
> viewing the PBS series, "Russia's War", mainly about Joseph Stalin's war
> against his own people, your tone frightens me, especially that of the guy
> who called on the list nanny to step in.
> Extremism & intolerance on either side of an issue simply breeds it on the
> other side in the other direction.  No matter how much you believe in what
> you do or how right your cause is, there will always be those who disagree
> with you.  And the intensity and narrowmindedness with which you choose to
> express your beliefs will surely determine the tone of your opposition.
> Unless your objectives can only be achieved by a justifiable war, you may
> want to consider the honey vs vinegar trick, or, gadzooks, the possibility
> that you may be...at least partially...wrong.
> I am not taking sides in the matter currently at bar, because I think both
> sides need to listen more and posture less.  And consider carefully the
> important points of what most concerns the other.
> [And to the list nanny, back off.  Let the people talk.  Even this type of
> minor looks-like-censorship will suppress ideas.  A list such as this
> carrries the inherent risk of political clashes.  Why not be happy that
> there is more than one informed viewpoint on it?  That is how we learn.
> Surely you do not want to limit membership and its expressions to lockstep
> thinkers/thinking.]
> "Hope this helps"
> jh
Excellent counsel!

John Wilson
Prescott, AZ.
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