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GBlist: California Waste Board - Web Site

Web site info, for anyone interested:  

The California Integrated Waste Management Board has a web site at
http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov.  The page on construction & demolition (C&D)
recycling can be located by selecting "Waste Management Programs" and
"Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling."

You will find there 2 searchable databases:  (1) ~500 C&D recyclers in
California, searchable by material category and county, and (2) ~450
recycled construction product manufacturers whose products are available
in California, searchable by product category, and county or state.

The fact sheets are either viewable or downloadable, and include topics
such as recycled aggregate, asphalt pavement, drywall, construction
product testing and approval, wood waste, job site separation, carpets,
Caltrans (State Dept. of Transp.) and recycled products, asphalt roofing
shingles recycling, and recycled latex paint.

We have other publications in progress, so you might want to visit the
site from time to time, to see what's been added.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions, suggestions, or
additional information.

(FYI - I will be out of the office from Sept 17 to Oct 20.)

Thank you,

Casey Robb, P.E.
California Integrated Waste Management Board
Sacramento, California
(916) 255-2930

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