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Re: GBlist: Living Wall

Hi Robert

How much did you bet? 
There is a web site on the breathing wall at
http://www.ists.ca/canlif.htm which is a site of one of the sponsors.
The project is just as you described it "...i.e. A wall of volcanic rock
> water flowing over it, with various flora and fauna here and
> there ...through and around which, air is passed in order to to
> remove/neutralise contaminants/pollutants.

Here is a quote from Michael Dixon in a press release on the project

> We have proved that a biological filter can actively remove significant
> amounts of contaminants directly out of the air'', said Dr. Michael Dixon, who
> heads the project for the University of Guelph. ``We are confident that
> further experiments will corroborate these results and build on our knowledge
> as we further challenge the plant system.''
>     This development addresses the issues associated with sick building
> syndrome or building related illness, which results as modern buildings,
> designed to be air tight to facilitate heating and cooling, accumulate noxious
> compounds.
>     The experiment forced low levels of the pollutants, formaldehyde, toluene
> and trichloroethylene (TCE), commonly found in poor quality indoor air through
> the water and plant biomass on the Breathing Wall of the Canada Life
> Environmental Room.

I spoke to Wolf Amelung about a year ago. He described a certain amount
of skepticism on the part of some of the researchers involved. They felt
that a certain number of water soluble contaminants would be affected by
the process but (they) were surprised to find that substances such as
toluene which are not water soluble were being removed by the process. 
The 'process' like all the best things in life is a mystery or to use a
more acceptable term it is 'biological'. It is Wolf's opinion that the
active elements are sub ecosystems of the overall semi aquatic life
systems that were 'constructed' - in other words 'biological' - not
unlike the wonderful 'schmutzdecke'.

I was researching it for possible use in recirculating air in an indoor
pool enclosure. I became interested in it again for possible use in
purifying air for a MCS person but am concerned about biological
As far as I know no results have been published but I was planning to
contact Dr. Dixon to see what information is available. One of Wolf's
anecdotes was that the water system had to be shut down when the room
was used as a boardroom as it caused everyone's bladder to overreact

John Salmen

Robert W. Tom wrote:
> Hello GB-Heads;
> An amigo from Arizona asked me if I knew anything about the 
> "Living Wall" (designed by Wolf Amelung ?) biological air filter/
> conditioner that was installed in the Canada Life building in
> Toronto.
> All I had to offer was third-hand (and hand-waving at that )
> cursory knowledge about it. ...ie A wall of volcanic rock with
> water flowing over it, with various flora and fauna here and
> there ...through and around which, air is passed in order to to
> remove/neutralise contaminants/pollutants.
> Can anyone else on this List enlighten my desert friend with
> more/better information ? (I'm betting "Yes").
> --
> Rob  Tom
> ---------- * ------------
> be417@FreeNet.Carleton.ca
> Kanata,  Ontario,  Canada
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