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Re: GBlist: reidential water usage

Chris Koen inquired about the average water use per day in the U.S.

The U.S. Geological Survey is the primary U.S. agency that tracks water
consumption, and their most recent data is from 1990. During that year, the
average water consumption by people with their own wells was 79 gallons per
capita per day (gpcd). Average consumption by people on public water
supplies was 105 gpcd. However, there are significant differences in
different parts of the country. For details, check out USGS statistics
on-line: http://h2o.usgs.gov. Roughly half of the domestic water in the
U.S. comes from aquifers; half from surface waters.

BTW, our current issue of Environmental Building News has a feature article
on water conservation. Give our office a call or e-mail us if you would
like us to send you a copy as a free sample issue.

Alex Wilson, Editor & Publisher
Environmental Building News
802/257-7300 or ebn@ebuild.com

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