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Re: GBlist: environmental windows (digest V1 #397)

>From: John Salmen <terrain@cow-net.com>
> : 
> Willmar makes a wood (hemlock) window with an aluminum exterior
> cladding. I'm not sure about their choice of base material as it would
> be primarily old growth from west coast forest and does not perform well
> with excessive moisture and does not have the same insulative cell
> structure as pine which most other manuf. use - however like other
> manuf. of alum. clad windows their wood stock is soaked in both a
> fungicide and insecticide (essentially dursban). Unlike other manuf.
> they are willing to eliminate this treatment on an order - however they
> will void warranties. The question remains as to the function of the
> treatment and what happens to the wood under the aluminum that
> necessitates such treatment. In other words a fungicide/pesticide
> treatment will maintain the existence of the wood under aluminum for the
> period of the warranty. In other words the wood rots under the aluminum.

A fungicide is used is because it is a requirement of the CSA standard for
wood window frames.  ALL wood windows, whether clad or not, have to be
treated.  Perhaps the standard should be reviewed? The aluminum (or vinyl)
cladding actualy protects the wood in most cases, and provides a durable
exterior finish.

> I think it is a poor design concept the life of which is marginally
> extended through the use of chemicals - not a bad analogy for
> contemporary medicine (couldn't resist). 
> I'm not sure about the use of wood windows for a
> commercial/instituational purpose primarily because of the maintenance
> issues involved and the fact that there is so little control over the
> usage maintenance materials (finishes, cleaners, etc.) A commercial
> steel window with an appropriate finish might be the least
> environmentally destructive and most healthy finish for patients to live
> with in the long term.
> John Salmen

Richard Kadulski

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