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Re: GBlist: What do Americans do with all that water?

Warren: Over the last several years our average demand for water is 2
cubic meters per month in our home in Calgary Alberta Canada. We use a .6
L flush toilet and a waterless toilet. We also collect rainwater.
Jorg Ostrowski,  M. Arch. A.S. (MIT), B. Arch. (Toronto), Ecotect 
-  in full-time professional practice since 1976 (Straw Bale since 1978),    
   environmental/architectural design, ecological planning,  consulting   
   on sustainable  buildings/communities. Lectures, seminars, workshops.
   3 demonstration projects in Canada, +80,000 visitors
 - living a conserver lifestyle & working in a sustainable home and office
ACE, ARE, ACT, ASH-Incs., Phone: (403) 239-1882, Fax: (403) 547-2671
Web Site [under construction]: http://www.ucalgary.ca/~jdo/ecotecture.htm
e-mail: <jdo@acs.ucalgary.ca>

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