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GBlist: Re: request for info on 4-Times Square

I just received some info from two new consulting/marketing organizations 
in New York city. One is called e-kol-o-ji and they sent me some flyers 
in a portfolio about several large projects in New York. Donald Trump is 
also now planning to renovate another tower in NY he recently bought with 
environmental enhancments.  One whole floor of this new Trump building 
will be devoted to showcasing environmental products and technologies and 
leased by a new company called Eco-Smart Healthy Properties, Inc..

The 4-Times square project is being developed by the Durst family, well 
known in NY sky scraper office tower development circles.  This new 
office tower is described as the "first office tower to be built in New 
york city in nearly a decade, features many highlights, from unique 
technological elements to first-ever environmental advancements."  It 
will be a 48 story, 1.6 million square foot office building, and is the 
largest structure being built in the country at this time. The architects 
are Fox & Fowle Architects and Tishman Construction is the contractor.  

The Durst organization can be reached via e-mail at www.durstny.com

By the way there is a large conference/trade show, The National 
Marketplace for the Environment in Washington D.C.(Washington Convention 
Center) November 18-20 in which there will be a 1750SF pavillion, 
"Enviro-Tech" Office Building of the 21st Century(ETOB) devoted to 
displaying examples of environmental building design and materials.  The 
whole show encompasses a 150,000SF conference hall layed out by the 16 
divisions of the CSI. This show is aimed at marketing to federal, state 
and local governments, key segments of the private sector and buyers from 
around the world they say.  It is being organized by the same people that 
do the Eco Expo and The Environmental Education Group.  They are 
reachable in Sherman Oaks, CA by phone at 

                ENDURA HARDWOODS AND WOODWORKS                  
Fine Hardwoods and Products that are Soft on the Environment
2401 NW Marken St.       Ph: 541-383-5003  Fax: 541-317-8391  
Bend, OR 97701               e-mail: endura@teleport.com

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