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GBlist: Carpet glue - thanks

	Thank you to all who responded to my querries about carpet glue.  I
have passed this on to the club owner - and tired to convince him of the long
term value of tile, but the bottom line is, he isn't committed to long term
unless this new club really proves itself. It is frustrating - he hears me, and
wants to try and accomodate me, but he has cost at heart, along with past
patterns of how things are done, and the reality of never having had to deal
with a situation like this before. I apprecieated the point of being the canary
in the mine, but few see it like this unless they are empathetic friends, or
suffer from some silimar health condition.
	So - it looks like the best I can hope for is a larger percentage of
tile to carptet than was previously planned - a hope for the lowest toxisity
paint possible - the lowest VOC adhesives this contractor can be convinced to
find - and a promise of running the air exchange at as high a fresh air rate as
possible - and doors left open.  Nothing guaranteed - but at least one wealthy
business owner, a flooring contractor and a painter have been introduced to the
idea of concerning themselves with the side effects of building materials and
their effects on indoor air quality.  Maybe a small concession if I can't go
into the club to play, but I have to try and see something positive in this.
	You are all a wonderful source of information, and I can only thank you
for your help and understanding, and encourage you in your work in this area
that will prove to be one of the most important of the coming decade.
Lyle Rebbeck
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