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GBlist: Campus energy audits

Original message:

> >Hello - I picked up one of your newsletters at the Greening of the Campus
> >Conference at Ball State recently.  I work at Michigan State University; a
> >small group of us are in the process of trying to convince some
> >Administration folks to okay an energy audit for our campus, and we're
> >looking for any information or guidance from some informed sources.
The Dept of Energy had a program for years (may still be in 
extistence) called the Institutional Conservation Program (ICP, also 
informally called Schools and Hospitals program), which provided 
grants for energy audits and for energy retrofits of institutional 
buildings.  Most states have a body of energy consultants who 
specialize in this work, driven in part by this program.  I suggest 
looking for these consultants for specific advice on costs, etc.  ICP 
was commonly administered through state energy offices, so you might 
try them for more information.  

Dan Cautley
Phone 800-638-8556 x706
Fax   301-249-3265

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