
Re: Oil crisis coming up according to Barrons

Steen H Hviid <shviid@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> wrote:

>In the current issue of Barrons (March 6, 1995), their "Up & Down Wall Street"
>column (the most prominent column in the paper) deals with the coming oil 
>crises. The writers see an oil shortage coming up soon, with major prices
>increases to follow.

Amory Lovins said in his 12/94 Atlantic article that we probably would not
have invaded Iraq had they only grown broccoli. As I recall, for years, we
shamelessly funded both Iran and Iraq in their war with each other, supplying
weapons and money to both, in an attempt to create a "balance" that would
ensure cheap oil for our wasteful energy habits and make Exxon rich. Kuwait
was more or less created entirely by Standard Oil, setting up some sheiks
to sell us oil cheap in the 50s, no? WE are the international terrorists now,
not the arabs... We walk up to the arabs and point a gun at their heads
and say "You don't REALLY want to raise the price of your oil, do you?"

In private life this would be called extortion or robbery. Imagine going down
to the supermarket with a gun and telling the checkout clerk that the oranges
are too expensive. You would like to pay a bit less... Imagine walking into
the bursar's office with a gun, and saying you don't want to pay more than
$500 for the linear systems course, because the professor is so dull. Even
before George Bush, the five previous presidents, including gentle, Christian,
blessed, peacemaking Jimmy Carter, had publicly threatened war in the middle
east if they "cut off our vital supply of oil," and I believe that included
raising the price significantly... We are addicted to oil in this country,
as well as cocaine.

It's  their  oil, not ours, and they have a basic right to sell it for any
price that they want to sell it for. We have been bullying them into selling
it to us cheaply for years. And killing them, lately, en masse. This is not
a good thing. Killing people is bad, and it cannot go on. For one thing,
there is only a finite amount of oil in the world. It WILL run out...
